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Kentucky Heartwood8/28/2017 Our Mission Kentucky Heartwood seeks to protect and restore the integrity, stability, and beauty of Kentucky’s native forests and biotic communities through research, education, advocacy, and community engagement. Our story Kentucky Heartwood is a non-profit organization that has worked since 1992 to protect and restore the integrity, stability, and beauty of Kentucky’s native forest ecosystems and the species that depend on them. Kentucky Heartwood is celebrating its 25th year this year! We put special focus on the Daniel Boone National Forest in southeastern Kentucky and Land Between the Lakes in western Kentucky. These amazing public lands provide habitat for dozens of rare and threatened species, help clean our air and water, stabilize the climate, and are the backbone of outdoor recreation in Kentucky. The effort to protect our native forests and declining species is increasingly important in this era of climate change, habitat loss, budget cuts, and rollbacks of environmental protections. Support our work Kentucky Heartwood runs on a very small budget. By donating and becoming a member, you are helping protect some of the most incredible ecosystems in the world. The millions of creatures, from the fungi to the treetops thank you! Kentucky Heartwood is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible. Recurring monthly donations are available and appreciated. Instagram @kentuckyheartwood Twitter @kyheartwood 859-334-0604 [email protected] PO Box 1486 Berea, KY 40403
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Wild Earth Sanctuary and Farm8/24/2017 Wild Earth Farm and Sanctuary
Animal Sanctuary Organic Permaculture Regenerative Farming Sustainable Education Mission Wild Earth Farm and Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 non profit farmed animal sanctuary and organic permaculture project, nestled on 200 acres in the rolling green Appalachian foothills of Irvine, KY. Wild Earth envisions a food system where plants, animals, and people can thrive. We offer a space to share, learn, and grow. Rescuing Farmed Animals Animals in need are rescued and live their lives on the sanctuary, where they rewild, participate in the local ecosystem, and form positive relationships with humans as opposed to their former experiences of abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Many are victims of our industrial agriculture system. Visitors can bond with rescued animals and learn alternatives to destructive food systems. Organic Farming Through learning, teaching, and practicing permaculture we are creating a new food system at Wild Earth. We plant a wide range of annual and perennial plant varieties which produce food for our community. Common production of vegetables involves pesticides, GMOs, bone/blood meal, and manure, often directly supporting factory farms. We can revolutionize our food system by growing food for ourselves and communities, and by supporting local veganic growers. Cultivating Awareness in Our Community We foster an atmosphere of education through courses and collaboration. Together we work to create abundance, food sovereignty, and regenerative systems. We Need You! Are you interested in positive action to help animals, our communities, and the environment? Please join us as we give sanctuary to rescued animals, build resilient communities, and produce healthy food through sustainable farming. Lets connect the dots and embrace animal care, earth care, and people care in our everyday actions, creating systems of mutual cooperation. We are supported by folks just like you. Please donate today! Get Involved! For information on internships, volunteering, upcoming tours, workshops, presentations, or permaculture design courses, or to donate to the project, please visit us at: [email protected]
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Kentucky Environmental Foundation8/14/2017 Our Mission
The Kentucky Environmental Foundation is dedicated to connecting the lines between our environment and our health and creating sustainable community systems that incorporate social justice to ensure a bright future for all Kentuckians. What We Do We accomplish our objectives by engaging in research and public education; improving public access to information; encouraging community participation in environmental decision-making processes; and building consensus among affected peoples, governments, nonprofits and businesses. Our Story Craig Williams, Director of KEF's Chemical Weapons Working Group, inspects a weapons disposal facility. The Kentucky Environmental Foundation was founded in 1990 by Madison County, Kentucky residents focused on safe disposal of chemical weapons stockpiled at the Blue Grass Army Depot. Our vision was to ensure that the chemical weapons stored here were destroyed as safely and efficiently as possible, not with incineration as the Army proposed, but with a method that could prevent chemical agents and other toxins from being released into the environment. In 1991, KEF convened a conference of citizens living near other chemical weapons sites, who were also concerned about the Army’s plan to burn chemical weapons. That group became the Chemical Weapons Working Group coalition, which developed into an effective grassroots force for change in the Army’s chemical weapons program. The CWWG, with KEF as its lead organization, succeeded in defeating incineration at four of eight chemical weapons sites, where safe, non-incineration disposal technologies were chosen instead. The decision to move forward with safer weapons disposal in Kentucky came in 2002; our chemical weapons will be destroyed in a “closed loop” neutralization and supercritical water oxidation process. In 2006, Craig Williams, then KEF Director, was awarded the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for his and the CWWG’s dedication to safe weapons disposal. Through KEF's Chemical Weapons Working Group, KEF continues to ensure Kentuckians are protect from harmful pollutants during chemical weapons destruction processes. KEF was formed to protect Kentuckians’ health from the chemical exposure; we have since been an integral part of Kentucky’s environmental health and justice movement. For the past 25 years, KEF has participated in many state, regional and national environmental health and justice campaigns and in collaboration with others working to address air, water and soil pollution from both fossil fuels and hazardous waste manufacturing, storage and incineration. Help Us Build A Healthier Tomorrow KEF depends on the financial support of our friends to continue our important work: furthering human and environmental health and justice in Kentucky. Every donation helps us to reach our goals. Your investment in KEF is an investment in a safer, healthier future for all Kentuckians. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today here.
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Hope's Wings8/8/2017 Mission/Vision
Mission Statement: To empower victims of domestic violence to make safe and permanent changes through support, understanding, education, and awareness. To achieve this we offer intensive case management services tailored to helping victims focus on employment, education, and transitioning into independent living. Vision Statement: Hope’s Wings envisions a world in which every person lives in a safe environment, free from oppression and with the opportunity to thrive.Hope’s Wings believes an end to domestic violence will happen only when individuals, organizations, and a society as a whole will join together to demand an end to abuse. Hope’s Wings supports a comprehensive, coordinated response to domestic violence by working together with systems, organizations, community groups and individuals to end domestic violence. WANT TO HELP SUPPORT OUR MISSION? Call Today to Ask How You Can Get Involved 1-877-040-HOPE DONATE Hope’s Wings could not continue to provide quality services to individuals and families without the aid of our generous community. Help build our endowment by becoming a monthly donor. Visit our website to make your donation online. Ongoing Shelter Needs Hope’s Wings also benefits from donations of… Non-Perishable Food Personal Hygiene Baby Care Supplies Cleaning Supplies Paper Products VOLUNTEER Call us today and ask to speak with our volunteer coordinator. Students are encouraged to ask about internship opportunities. Some of our Specialized Services Include Emergency Shelter 24hr Crisis Line Safety Planning Support Groups Court Advocacy Housing Assistance Community Education Professional Training
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Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center7/31/2017 The Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center is made up of Kentuckians with diverse backgrounds, skills, and philosophies who are united by a commitment to end sexual violence.
We envision a world free of all forms of violence and oppression. BRCC manages a 24 hour resource line, offers individual and group therapy, and has a robust education and outreach effort that focuses on prevention of sexual violence and the creation of healthy communities. Everyone is included in our work. Join the movement to end sexual violence by supporting BRCC. Learn more at
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Kentuckians For The Commonwealth7/26/2017 KFTC is a community of people, inspired by a vision, building new power and a better future for all of us. Together, we organize for a fair economy, a healthy environment, new safe energy and an honest democracy. Since 1981, KFTC members have brought together ordinary folks across Kentucky to work together toward a shared vision. We are a member led organization of over 11,000 folks across Kentucky. We have local chapters and at-large members in many counties including one right here in Madison County! We use a set of core strategies, from leadership development to communications and voter empowerment, to impact a broad range of issues, including environmental, social and economic justice.
The local Madison County Chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth meets the 4th Monday of each month at the Berea Friends Meeting House (300 Harrison Rd.) from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. We hope you can join us for a meeting or one of our many trainings, workshops, or other events that we host throughout the year. For more information please contact the local community organizer by phone or text at 859-358-9713 or email her at [email protected] Since 1981, KFTC members have brought together ordinary folks across Kentucky to work together toward a shared vision.
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Sustainable Berea7/19/2017 ![]() This week, we are delighted to feature Sustainable Berea as our non-profit! They'll be set-up Friday night, July 21st, to spread the word about all the work they do for our community! Founded in 2005, Sustainable Berea is a grassroots organization whose members work to increase the resilience of their households, neighborhoods and community. During its 12-year history, Sustainable Berea has promoted water and energy conservation, solar energy, and local economic development through reskilling workshops, educational programs and other events. In the last several years, the primary focus of the organization has turned to supporting the development of a vibrant local food system. The 3rd Annual Berea Victory Garden Blitz in March 2017 added to the hundreds of raised garden beds that Sustainable Berea has installed throughout the city, many for low-income households. In partnership with the Madison County Public Library, Sustainable Berea’s “How does your garden grow?” workshop series helps new and experienced gardeners to increase their skills. The Berea Urban Farm is an educational market garden that forms the heart of the Berea Urban Agriculture District – an experiment to see how 500 residents and 50+ businesses occupying 82 acres might work together to create a neighborhood food system. Our vision is inclusive: If you eat, you’re in! In the meantime, check out this video about the Urban Farm, and save the date for the upcoming Bean There, Done That potluck Saturday July 29th.
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Berea Farmer's Market7/14/2017 Founded in the 1970’s by local farmer icon, Bill Best, the Berea Farmers Market has been in operation for over 40 years. Starting out as just a handful of farmers selling under the Berea Community School bleachers, the market has grown into a year round market with a vibrant community gathering space. They sell all your favorites like beans, corn and tomatoes as well as foods you may have never seen before like Turkish Snake Peppers or long purple eggplant. They have canned vegetables, baked goods, sauces, jelly and honey. They also has a variety of hand crafted art like leather work, jewelry, felted scarves and doll clothes. Each Saturday, they keep you entertained with local music or performing artists and your kids are welcome to a free lunch and fun activities.
The market is deeply committed to supporting our local economy with a vetting process for both farmers and artisans to assure that vendors are bringing only what they have grown in their fields or produced with their hands. They are also continually working to make the market accessible to everyone in the community by accepting SNAP benefits and special voucher programs for young families and senior citizens and will double those benefits to increase spending power for those most in need. They also regularly donate produce to the Berea food bank through a local gleaning program. The market is in the middle of a fund raising campaign to make sure the market and these food support programs continue for another year. If you’d like to keep the market alive and vibrant, please consider donating. They are here tonight on the corner of Adams and Broadway. Look for the Berea Farmers Market logo sign. You can also donate on-line on their website or at the market manager’s booth on market days. They meet each Saturday from 9-1 and Tuesday from 3-6. Hope to see you at the market!
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Grow Appalachia7/7/2017 Our first week, we happily featured Grow Appalachia, a local non-profit sponsored by Berea College. Check out the mission statement, and please consider donating at the link below : We focus on many levels of food security because we see food system development as an opportunity that crosses many sectors. Our approach to food security in the region:
Donate here! |